
  1. Keyboards,scanners, and microphones are example of____

    input devices

  2. In a computer, how many bits does a nibble signify?


  3. How many kilobytes make a megabyte?


  4. Excel is a program that is used to prepare a _____


  5. The ALU performs______operations.


  6. In order to choose the font for sentence in a WORD document_______

    select Font in the Format menu

  7. The common name for a modulator demodulator is_____


  8. The computer abbreviation KB usually means_________

    Kilo Byte

  9. Data is organized in a worksheet as_______

    rows and coloumns

  10. In a computer most processing takes place in


  11. The operation of combining two cells into a single cell in Excel is referred to as

    Merge Cells

  12. A computer's RAM is______

    computer hardware

  13. A website ia collection of

    web pages

  14. A portion of the worksheet displayed on the screen can be viewed through a_______

    worksheet window

  15. The following is listed in order from largest to smallest?


  16. To move to the bottom of a WORD document, the following key(s) should be used____

    Ctrl and End

  17. RAM is an example of

    volatile memory

  18. Which toolbar displays the buttons for alignment and font size in word?

    Formatting toolbar

  19. A cookie____

    stores information about the user's web activity

  20. Excel documents are stored as files called_____


  21. What is the shortcut key for centering the text selected by the user in Word?


  22. The keys on the keyboard which may be programmed to do special tasks are referred to as___

    Functional keys

  23. BIT stands for

    Binary Digit

  24. Which of the following operations is not performed by computer?


  25. ______of the worksheet appear vertically and are identified by letters at the top of the worksheet window.


  26. A page break means____

    starting the next part of the document on a new page

  27. Trackball is an example of a ____

    Pointing device

  28. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is

    Mass storage

  29. An Excel spreadsheet has the extension____


  30. Which of the following should be used to move a paragraph from one place to another in a Word document?

    Cut and Paste

  31. A device that copies or reproduces text and images is calleda____


  32. A______typically identifies the type of file.

    file extension

  33. The Internet allows you to

    Send electronic mail, view web pages and connect to servers all around the world

  34. A Web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific_____on the web.

    web site

  35. Unsolicited commercial email is commonly known as


  36. The___is responsible for performing calculations and contains decision making mechanisms.

    Memory unit

  37. A computer system includes______

    Hardware,software and peripheral devices

  38. Which is not a basic function of a computer?

    Copy text

  39. Where is data saved permanently?


  40. A MODEM is connected in between a telephone line and a____


  41. The taskbar is located________.

    At the bottom of the screen

  42. A____is a microprocessor-based computing device.

    personal computer

  43. An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is_____


  44. C,BASCI,COBOL, and Java are examples of _______languages.

    System programming

  45. The ______tells the computer how to use its components.

    operating system

  46. When sending an e-mail, the _____line describes the contents of the message.


  47. Passwords enable users to_______

    retain confidentiality of files

  48. What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?


  49. Ctrl,Shift and Alt are called______keys


  50. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?


  51. Physical components that make up your computer are known as________


  52. Computers use the _______number system to store data and perform calculations.


  53. Computer programs are also known as


  54. The secret code that restricts entry to some programs_____


  55. In programming, you use the following keys____

    Arrow keys

  56. What menu is selected to change font and style?


  57. Errors in a computer program are referred to as__________


  58. With a CD you can_____

    Both Read and Write

  59. The _____,also called the Web, contains billions of documents.

    World Wide Web

  60. The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately______

    sequential access

  61. A(n)_______is text that you want printed at the bottom of the page.


  62. To print a document, press______then press ENTER.


  63. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document.


  64. A menu contains a list of


  65. Each _____on a menu performs a specific action.


  66. You can use the tab key to____

    move a cursor across the screen and indent a paragraph

  67. Copyrighted software that can be used for free is_________


  68. To make the number pad act as directional arrows, you press the ________key.

    num lock

  69. A _______includes the file name and possibly a directory or folder.

    file specification

  70. A(n)______is a small group of computers and peripherals linked in a small geographic area.


  71. _________is when the computer is turned on and the operating system is loading.


  72. What menu is selected to save or save as?


  73. A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is_____

    Electronic spreadsheet

  74. Fifth generation computers are likely to exhibit_____

    Artificial intelligence, Heuristic behaviour and Advanced Parallel processing

  75. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?

    Control unit and ALU

  76. The two kinds of main memory are______

    RAM and ROM

  77. Which of the following is not currently a topic in computer science?


  78. The memory which ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable is_____


  79. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?


  80. A high speed device used in CPU for temporary storage during processing is called

    A register

  81. A multi programming system is one that can_____

    Share hardware resource with many program simultaneously

  82. Program designed to perform specific tasks is known as

    Application software

  83. The software used to convert source program instructions to object instruction is known as

    Language processor

  84. Which printer uses combination of laser-beam and electro photographic techniques?

    Laser printer

  85. A medium for transferring data between two locations is called

    Communication channel

  86. Which method is used to connect a remote computer?

    Dial up

  87. ASCII Stands for_______

    All purpose scientific code for information interchange

  88. A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is_____


  89. Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations?

    Control unit

  90. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?


  91. Who is the father of the computer?

    Charles Babbage

  92. CPU stands for

    Central Processing Unit

  93. Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations?

    Control unit

  94. A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is ....


  95. ASCII stands for ....

    All purpose Scientific Code for Information Interchange

  96. A medium for transferring data between two locations is called ....

    Communication channel

  97. Program designed to perform specific tasks is known as ....

    Application software

  98. The memory which ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable is ....


  99. The two kinds of main memory are ....

    RAM and ROM

  100. Which are the two main components of the CPU?

    Control unit and ALU